Contracting of the GEO-IoT Platform
Understand Why We Are The Best Solution

Contracting the GEO-IoT Solution: Plans & Services
Check out on this page how our commercial policy, plans and contracts work.
After reading it we will need to know about your project(s), at the bottom of the page contact us.
Commercial Model - Software and Hardware Lease and Provision of Services
All our software is sold under the SaaS (Software as a Service) regime, that is: software rental with added technical service, we do not sell the source codes or provide perpetual licenses for our software, our commercial position is established in the Software Rental with continued support. This model is justified because IoT devices are very dynamic and need recurring support for updates, tweaks and integrations.
Local GEO-IoT Software
It is a software + hardware solution, the local server is responsible for concentrating events, alarms, data from sensors and IoT devices from a given site and making available to authorized users of the system a wide range of management resources, graphics, dashboards , responsive rules among many others.
For more information, visit: GEO-IoT Local Server
GEO-IoT Cloud
The cloud server is responsible for concentrating and managing events from multiple local servers, as well as independently and in parallel receiving alarms, events from sensors, IoT devices, databases and third-party software independently and redundantly.
Through a secure web interface it is possible make available to multiple users of the GEO-IoT platform a wide range of management options, graphics, responsive rules, dashboards among many other SNMP network administrative features.
For more information, visit: GEO-IoT Cloud Server

What are the advantages of this software and hardware leasing model?
The software and hardware leasing model is in line with our philosophy of always providing the best cost-benefit ratio for our customers, in this way leasing brings operational, tax and technical advantages.
Operational Advantage
The large investments in hardware purchases, source codes, management of these intangible assets, depreciation, development of internal teams, management of outdated versions, reinvestments, among other problems inherent to the purchase. At lease, there is always the certainty of using a finished product, with compatible software versions, technical support throughout the life of the contract and the main thing: the company maintains its focus on the business.
Commercial and Tax Advantage
If your organization chooses real profit, when renting software/hardware and related services, your organization can record these amounts as operating expenses, the resources spent on leasing and services are provided for in our tax legislation. Thus, the operating costs of GEO-IoT software, GEO-IoT Cloud, hardware and IoT sensors, through the rental and contracting of services they end up leaving the company's taxes owed.
Technical advantage
Keep your team focused on your operation, outsource what is not your Core Business and have a higher income in their activities. Our technical team is dedicated exclusively to the development, management, technical support and development of integration tools. The management of IoTs software and devices are tasks that require differentiated professionals, very specific and that need great attention to be very well executed; in this way, there is no reason for your organization to add more people, more costs and management challenges to its routine.
We at GEO-IoT have a team of highly trained technical professionals ready to serve you and, in special cases, we also act through our carefully chosen partners in the market. We bring consistent results on time and within planned costs.

IoT (Internet of Things or Internet of Things) Devices and Sensors
They can be divided into three categories:
a) Previously existing devices
They are already installed and need to be integrated with the GEO-IoT platform, being the object of contracting the activity of software configuration, parameterization and platform leasing.
b) Devices and sensors already communicate with a customer database in their software through their networks existing communications, requiring the construction of APIs for GEO-IoT integration with the client's systems and the generation of virtual devices with the other parameterizations of the platform.
c) New devices:
a) They must be purchased by the customer or leased directly from GEO-IoT in a specific contract
b) Installed (indoor/outdoor), configured in the appropriate locations and in their respective communications networks
c) Software configurations and parameterizations of the GEO-IoT platform.
Note. The communication network for the transport of data from IoT devices and/or sensors must be provided by the customer or must be contracted under contract.
For more information, go to: Network Solutions

Systems integration
Integrations allow different software or equipment to "talk" to each other, thus enabling information entered in a given system to be accessed and viewed in another system, streamlining processes, reducing costs, avoiding retyping errors and increasing operation performance.
See more at: Systems Integration
APIs (Application Program Interface) or Application Programming Interface are a set of routines and programming patterns that allow access to a particular application or software. It is one of the safest ways for different software and equipment manufacturers to share information and also for a more structured interaction. As an example we have Google that provides many tools to interact with other software on the market.
Communication Service for Sensors and Devices
Data communication between the devices and the customer's data network must be provided for in the execution of the project and may be provided by the customer or contracted together with the project and recorded as contractual expenses.
Data networks have different characteristics and, depending on the architecture of the customer's operation, it should be studied together with our technical team to find the best alternative and also the best cost-benefit ratio.
For more information, go to: Network Solutions
Hosting of Events and Alarms
Events, alarms and data produced by sensors, IoT devices and APIs over time can occupy a large amount of storage space in databases, however these events, data and alarms are essential for generating mass data for later analysis, generation of histograms, charts, dashboards and KPIs. Aware of the importance and criticality of this strategic information for our customers, we offer a differentiated long-term hosting service, making available for online access the desired devices, the types of events, the desired frequency, among other parameters.
For more information, go to: Network Solutions
Our contracts are structured in software and hardware leasing, service provision, systems development.
The plans chosen by our customers involve:
- (qty) local servers,
- (qty) cloud servers,
- (qty/hh) defendant in integrations
- (qty) connections and communications interfaces
- Contract time and service level / SLA (Service Level Agreement)

Get in touch with us via the form or by e-mail: contato@geo-iot.com
Our sales team will understand your project and your technical demands.
Then, our consultants will prepare a business proposal suited to your needs and within our plans for the GEO-IoT Local and GEO-IoT Server family of solutions.
Validation of our proposal or adjustments and acceptance.
Signing of the Contract and beginning of activities for our clients.
Quais as vantagens de contratar em regime de locação?Estamos sempre atentos ao melhor custo e benefício para nossos clientes e a justificativa para a opção desse modelo de locação de softwares e hardwares é extremamente simples e lógica: Vantagem Comercial Ao locar um software, hardware e dispositivos a sua empresa/organização poderá lançar como despesas operacionais os valores dispendidos na locações. Desta forma todos custos operacionais acabam sendo abatido dos impostos. Vantagem Técnica Mantenha o foco em sua operação, terceirize o que não é de seu Core Business e tenha um rendimento superior nas suas atividades. Nossa equipe técnica é dedicada exclusivamente ao desenvolvimento, gestão, suporte técnico e no desenvolvimento de ferramentas de integração. São tarefas realizadas por profissionais diferenciados, bastante específicas e que demandam grande atenção para que sejam muito bem executadas, desta forma não há porquê sua organização agregar mais pessoas, custos e gestão à sua rotina. Nós da GEO-IoT podemos oferecer total assistência durante todo o período contratual e também em casos especiais por meio de nossos parceiros técnicos, criteriosamente escolhidos no mercado.
Qual a difrença entre GEO-IoT Local e GEO-IoT Nuvem?GEO-IoT Local: É o módulo de gerenciamento local, uma solução híbrida que conta com um software e um hardware (Local Server), por meio desse módulo é possível a concentração de alarmes, eventos, integração com sistemas de terceiros e o envio destas informação para a nuvem no servidor GEO-IoT Nuvem, que conventra múltiplos GEO-IoT Local. GEO-IoT Nuvem: É um software que opera na nuvem, em regime de SaaS (Software as a Service) e é responsável pelo gerenciamento de múltiplos GEO-IoT Local e também pode operar paralelamente com dispositivos e sensores que tenham acesso à nuvem.
Devo comprar ou locar meus sensores e dispositivos IoT?Sim! Os usuários podem adicionar vídeos do YouTube ou do Vimeo com facilidade: Configurações do App Clique no botão "Gerenciar" Clique na pergunta que você deseja anexar um vídeo para Ao editar sua resposta, clique no ícone de vídeo e cole o URL do vídeo do YouTube ou do Vimeo É isso aí! Uma miniatura do seu vídeo aparecerá na caixa de texto de resposta
Qual a importância das integração e das APIs?As integrações permitem que diferentes softwares e sistemas possam "conversar" entre si, viabilizando assim que informações inseridas em um determinado sistema possam ser acessadas e visualizadas em outro sistema, agilizando processos, reduzindo custos, evitando erros de redigitação e aumentando a performance da operação. Veja mais em: https://www.geo-iot.com/integra%C3%A7%C3%A3o-de-sistemas As APIs (Aplication Program Interface) ou Interface de Programação de Aplicativos, são um conjunto de rotinas e padrões de programação que permitem o acesso a um determinado aplicativo ou software. É uma das formas mais seguras para que diferentes fabricantes de softwares possam compartilhar informações e também para que possa haver uma interação mais estruturada. Como exemplo temos o Google que disponibiliza muitas ferramentas para interagir com outros softwares do mercado.
Existe um número máximo de APIs que podem ser usadas com o GEO-IoT Nuvem?Sim, os planos padronizados que oferecemos para nossos clientes possuem alguns limites que precisam ser respeitados dentro dos planos e são apresentados abaixo: - Transporte de Mensagens Até 200M Referente ao número total de mensagens usadas por qualquer transpote como: HTTP, MQTT, CoaP entre outras integrações. - Transporte Data Points Até 400M
Já existem APIs estruturadas para uso?Sim, temos muitas APIs já desenvolvidas e estruturadas em outros projetos que podem ser implantadas rapidamente dentro da estrurura de TI de nossos clientes, ganhando tempo e otimizando processos. Atualmente são em torno de 60 APIs já desenvolvidas que precisam apenas serem customizadas para as demandas dos nossos clientes e suas aplicações específicas.
The GEO-IoT Solution brings enormous possibilities for automation, integration and responsive sensing in the structured corporate and residential environment, bringing savings, comfort, safety and traceability to events. Being able to work with schedules, responsive rules or not, and countless facilities from a single, integrated and functional platform.
Contact our technical team to learn more about our services and also about our extensive range of sensors.
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Commercial Proposal with Plans & Services
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